We try keep as little information as we need to. Most information we collect is what we consider to be public information like Display Names or Account IDs.
Server Owners:
– Your Discord Server ID
Your Server ID is collected so we can keep track of server settings.– Discord Role IDs
We collect the Role IDs of any roles that you tell the UdonVR bot to track. These IDs are used to keep track of what users are needed for DisBridge.– Discord User IDs
We collect the User ID of the DisBridge Server Manager. The Server Manager is used to validate the subscription for DisBridge and is also used as a contact if we need to reach out to your server.
The Server Manager will be whoever runs “/Setup” in your server first, and can be changed at request.
We will also store the IDs of anyone who is setup to be a DisBridge Manager by the Server Manager.– Discord Channel IDs
This is to keep track of user setup channels for the UdonVR bot. These would be things like log channels, or invite channels.
Only channels setup by the user are kept.
– Discord User IDs
If the user is added to a Tracked Role of a server or if the user manually links their VRChat account to their Discord account, their Discord Account ID will be stored. This is so we can know who’s VRChat account belongs to what user.- Direct Messages to the bot
These are collected for troubleshooting purposes. They are kept within Discord and logged to a server inside a channel.– VRChat Account IDs
We need your VRChat Account ID to keep track of and update your VRChat Display Name.– VRChat Display names
Your Display Name is used to keep track of your benefits across our service.
In order to provide you use this information for other services (like VRChat) we need to share some information.
This information is:
– Discord Display names
– VRChat Display names
We also share Server IDs to use as unique identifiers for the URLs this information is stored at.
We do not sell any information.
if you would like your data to be deleted, please contact [email protected] with what you’d like removed.